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Follow few steps :
How to download & run the project?
To download projects and templates, you have to watch our YouTube video for the particular content. After that download button will generate automatically.
Click on download button, the file will be downloaded in the zip format.
Unzip that file to desktop.
Open the file and just copy project folder and paste it into C:\xampp\htdocs\ directory.
Run XAMPP Control Panel, and Start Apache and MySQL Server.
Make sure that Apache and MySQL Server is started properly.
Now open browser and go to the directory localhost/phpmyadmin/.
Upload .sql file to the new database.
Update the connection.php according to your configuration of databse.
Now on new tab, type directory localhost/Project/
Now the project is live on screen...!
For login credential, See the live preview of that project. Open login page, you will see the credential for that particular project.
If you're unable to understand the steps, watch our video here.